Tuesday, May 19, 2015

How-to Grow Your Facebook Likes

This is a popular question and there are so many ideas shared by so many people in so many blogs all over the internet so my mission is to make this the last one you'll need to read on subject.

Firstly I'm going to take it right back to something that you may not have been advised on in any other blog.

I'm going to suggest to you that the most important thing you need to know is your AVATAR (your customer) you need to know this person so well and with incredibly specific detail.

If you haven’t got a clear picture of the perfect customer for your product or service then how can you possibly create a Social Vibe that attracts that person to your tribe?

Identifying your Avatar and getting super clear on how to communicate with them is going to help you in ALL areas of your business not just the Social part of it. This is a step that you cannot miss, it's a MUST DO.

You may be thinking...well where do I start with THAT...well ...lol... here’s a FREE Design Your Avatar worksheet for you to download. You're welcome :)

Once you have that amazingly clear picture of who you are speaking to then you can create an effective strategy that actually works to attract the right people to you.

I'm assuming you are reading this blog because you are serious about building your business on Facebook, so it won't surprise you to know that you need a serious marketing strategy.

This does not need to be some fancy 20 page report but it does need commitment to doing what it takes.

That being said...the number one strategy for building your likes on Facebook is...

#1 Put your money where your post is!

The fastest way to grow your page consistently - is to allocate some money to paid Facebook advertising. If you are serious about growing your page for your business then this is the way to get in front of the right people.


Facebook has THIS PAGE dedicated to giving you the info you need to get a "Like" ad started. It even lists the size of the pic you will need, how much text you have available to you and shows you what this kind of ad will look like to everyone

Now you do NOT need to spend lots of money on this. You can grow your Facebook page likes by as little as $20 per month.

You'll notice you get to choose details about your target audience, so it's a good thing you know your Avatar well enough to be able to refine your target audience enough to capture their attention.


If you write a blog then this is a brilliant strategy for not only getting new likes to your page but also more views to your blog.

Again you do NOT need to spend a lot of money to get this going. Decide how much and how often and boost the blogs that offer massive value to your audience. Not only will your $$ get your blog viewed by the right people but they'll share it too and spread the word further than your initial investment took you.


People love competitions and they jump at the chance to be in them. You do need to comply with legal rules to do it right and not have it pulled down or be fined or worse still your business page suspended.

I found this awesome blog that explains it really clearly so if you wanted to explore that option then check it out here - How to run a (legal) Facebook competition

#2 Network like crazy 

Join with other people who are doing the same as you - looking for likes and support for their Facebook business page.


I recently created a "List" on Facebook called Tribe Builders where we have come together to support each other by liking, commenting and sharing posts on each others pages. Not only does this boost engagement for the pages involved it also generates new likes from new followers networks who are seeing their friends activity on these pages.


There are a myriad of groups and pages for small business owners/Entrepreneurs that do something called Follow Friday where you get to share your page in return for liking the other pages shared.

If you want to find groups you can search Facebook or ask me for ideas. I belong to Blog Chicks - For Aussie Women Bloggers and I am a business owner in Victoria, Australia.


I know some people think it's weird inviting your friends to like your page but it's really not. You'll find they will be honoured to support you. They may not be your ideal customer but they will add to your like total, like the things they like and engage with you by commenting on your page. All of that tells Facebook that your page is valuable and that it should let more people see it in their news feed.

#3 BE Irresistibly Valuable 

Give, Give, Give and then Give some more.
Be helpful.
Be kind.
Show that you care.

People will be drawn to you.

Everywhere all over the world that person [your avatar] is looking for you.
YOU have the answers they want.
YOU have the cool thing that they need.

And then when they find you they will find someone so irresistibly valuable they will want to share you with their friends and they will invite their friends to like your page.

And this is the moment where your tribe builds your tribe.

Simple and powerful.

I trust this has been extremely valuable for you and you now have some simple and effective ideas to use to create a strategy for generating likes to your Facebook page.

At the end of the day always ALWAYS come back to #3 - because it doesn't really matter how much money your throw at it or how many places you hang out, if you're not valuable then you won't be valued. The market is swimming in a sea of content, products, services. Stand out. Be memorable.
