Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Fall Madly & Deeply in Love with your Goals

You know those things you enjoy doing the least, those things that you leave until last, so they become one of those things you do quickly to get them over and done with...? 

Don't let your GOALS become one of "those things".

This is why we are encouraged to go to so much effort in planning and visualising our goals. We are encouraged to draw them, write them, have them in full view and celebrate their achievement. 

I'm going to take it that little bit deeper and suggest that you fall madly and deeply in love with them. Make them so compelling that your very being will experience cognitive dissonance if it's not doing something each day, no matter how small so long as it's something to work towards it.

Bring an energy of love, appreciation, gratitude, joy and enthusiasm to each and every little step you take that moves you closer to your goal.

Keep your spirit invigorated with a burning passion...this is of course YOUR life by YOUR design ~ LOVE it!! :)

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Valuing Building a Positive Team Spirit

One thing that is really notable about the environment at TCI is the team all really gets along.  They really genuinely care about one another. It’s quite a contrast to the bitchy backstabbing office environments that are all too common out there in the world.

Going to work with a group of people that you love being with is an extremely inspiring and satisfying thing.  Working, playing, respecting and being present with one another creates a space where people care and will go above and beyond because we believe in and trust in one another.

This can be attributed to the fact that Value #10 - Building a Positive Team Spirit matters so much that’s it’s one of our core values and we strive for it everyday.  Not only that but when you have a values driven culture that brings out the best in everyone then everyone is encouraged to be even better by the best they see in each other.

Recently in a small part of the team we noticed the team spirit was not being nurtured. Everyone had gotten so busy and focused on achieving their own results they dropped the standard of this value and began working in silo’s…the positive team spirit within 2 weeks took a nose dive and people started to take sick days for a break to recover, meetings were not had and communication was poor.

All that in 2 weeks of not fighting for this value, I can only imagine what a workplace is like that doesn’t even acknowledge this as something that matters!!

Here’s some questions you can ask yourself and even create intentions for your day with, to ensure you are being the example of building a positive team spirit in your team, business or even family!

  • Have you shown respect in every conversation you’ve had today?
  • Are you holding yourself and others accountable when you are not contributing to building a positive team spirit?
  • Who have you encouraged today? Who did you shut down?
  • Are you serving those you also lead?
  • Are you being the example of excellence?
  • Are you bringing out the best in others?

Have a positively awesome day everyone and please encourage the best in me to do more by liking, commenting or even sharing my blog if you found it valuable. 

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Valuing Modelling Excellence

From the moment we are born we become experts in modelling. We watch our community for cues on how to be in this world. 
How to walk, talk, do, be, think, believe, behave…

Then there comes the time when we move into independence and we start choosing the models for ourselves. Now depending on what shaped you in your early years your models may lead you to success or to some serious life lessons.

For the sake of this blog I’m going to assume you’re here to be inspired on modelling those that lead you to success of the variety that you'v not yet experienced. Like the opening pic quote from Thomas Jefferson it says “ If you want something you’ve never had, you must be willing to do something you’ve never done” - That “want something” could be results or things of any kind and that "do something" is that thing you're yet to learn.

What do you want to get really good results with? 
What do you want to have? 
Let’s explore how to…

A great place to begin would be to model a great strategy for modelling. 
This is value # 9 for us at TCI and its a foundation value for delivering consistently outstanding results.

At TCI we learn from Sharon (a master modeller) to do this:

Find a successful model of excellence
Learn the strategy
Do the strategy until you get an outstanding or even better result

We also have a strategy of excellence for learning & growing that goes like this:

Learn > Implement > Teach

It’s important to then BECOME the model of excellence. Albert Einstein says “If you can’t explain it simply then you do not understand it enough” let that be a benchmark for you, not only do you achieve the results but you then pay it forward and help others achieve the results too.

I am running the Learn > Implement > Teach strategy right now. I have learned the TCI Values from a model of excellence (SP) > Implemented the TCI Values everyday > Am teaching YOU right now my understanding of each value as simply as I can.

To begin go ahead and have a fresh look at your 90 day goals and identify which of them you have a models of excellence for and which you need to find a model of excellence for. Then get researching! We live in an abundant age of information it’s all at your finger tips. Go for it!

I trust this blog has been of value to you. As always please like, comment or share to let me know you’ve visited and it’s inspired you in some way. “See” you again soon.