Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Valuing Outstanding Results

I chose this pic "Magical Drops by i5yal" to accompany my blog today because I believe there are many artists out there who truly value Outstanding Results and deliver it in the quality of their amazing art work.

What if...

The way YOU communicated to others, was by letting "Outstanding Results do the talking"?

This is value # 1 for Team TCI 

If we want to maintain the highest standards in our industry and be an example of excellence for others, there's no use saying we are.   We have to BE, DO & HAVE an example of excellence in each and every team member in everything we do.

Actions speak louder than words - yeah?

This may not be something you are deliberately focusing on...yet.  There may be days where just getting through the to-do list as best you can is enough. That's ok.  

If you would like to create Outstanding Results start by asking yourself some high quality questions that will move you in the direction of this becoming a 'non negotiable standard' in delivering and measuring results.  Here are some of the questions that Sharon Pearson teaches us to ask ourselves in order to strengthen this value:
  1. What would the result look like if it were outstanding?
  2. What's the criteria for outstanding results?
  3. Be objective - are YOU delivering outstanding results?
  4. Do you hold yourself or others accountable to their results?
  5. What did you do today to set up outstanding results for tomorrow?
  6. Who is your model of excellence for outstanding results?

Set yourself an intention each week to focus on delivering outstanding results until you're nailing it.

Start with, the way you answer your phone, the notes you take, the setting of daily intentions, the holding yourself accountable to committing to completion of what you say you want to achieve in your day. 

How you do the small things is how you do the big things. If you're letting yourself off the hook by only half heartedly doing the small things there's bound to be a ripple effect.

Trust that's inspired you to lift your game... Enjoy!

As always I would love to hear your thoughts, leave me a comment so I know you've stopped by. Thanks for reading xx

Saturday, June 21, 2014

3 steps to bringing in more PASSION.

"Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life." - Confucius

What does that quote even mean? Never work? We all need to work don't we?

My interpretation of that is, if the service you bring to the world is something you love and are passionate about, you'll do it everyday, like breathing, but with the bonus emotions of great joy, fulfilment, love and satisfaction experienced at the same time. It won't feel like work because it makes you feel alive!

I’ve had “jobs” before and as grateful as I am for the experience I wouldn’t want to go back to that. Rigid hours, job descriptions, limited growth. Blah!

Bring on a life with a vision and mission fuelled by passion! Living the dream!

What’s your passion?

As for me, I am passionate about singing. I will usually either be singing out loud, or in my mind, depending on the given moment.

I don't have to remind myself to sing. That's key to me knowing it's a true passion of mine.

Another is my passion for connecting people to information and inspiring ideas. It's these passions that have created a direction for my growth into service giving me opportunities to passionately serve a community of thousands through Social media.

The best bit about what I do is that I do it with others who are also passionate about doing what they love.

So if you’re feeling like you're stuck in a “job” or you want to bring in more passion - here’s 3 things you can do right now to move closer to doing what you love…

1. Acknowledge what your TRUE passion is

If you don’t just - know it - then perhaps you can uncover it with this handy little question - What do you do when you are procrastinating on the work you’re “meant” to be doing? That could very well be your passion.

2. Add it to your vision board, 90 day goals, weekly intentions

Give your passion pride of place in all that you do. It all starts with the vision to be living it in whichever manner you choose and you’ll need a plan for that.

3. Add massive value to others

Become well known for it, the expert in it, the go-to person for it. Share it with others

You can do this in as BIG or as small steps as you like.  At the end of the day any steps you took towards living your dreams will get you closer.

Share this blog with anyone you think could benefit and for those of you already living a life of passion and purpose please share a comment below I’d love to hear your thoughts :)

Friday, June 6, 2014

Do you feel like you just keep DOING and DOING and DOING? This might be why...


What gives some people the edge over others when it comes to really getting results?
What's the difference between having real tangible results at the end of the day compared to being the "busy" person that did lots of "stuff" but has nothing to show?

I remember when my children were first born there really were some days that I felt like it was go go go non stop but come the end of the day, exhausted and sitting down for pleasure for what seemed like the first time all day and looking around only to feel like I had barely scratched the surface of what I needed to do.

I think there are times just like that when it comes to setting up a business especially when you are a one woman or man show. When the entire business relies on the results you deliver day to day.

In the E.S.I.P Model as taught by Sharon Pearson,  the act of "doing" sits in the "I" which is Implementation and the "P" is People and in the examples I used above, the people...well that's you or me and the doing is all the things that need doing to be a new parent or business owner.

What we learn from this model is that the I & P are what we would consider to be a low level thinking approach to getting results. And what does that thinking "look" like, well, it's "oh boy, there is ALL OF THIS TO DO today and only ME that can do it" I'm not sure about you but just looking at that creates a hint of overwhelm and I haven't even seen the To-do list yet!

Now "All the things to do" may not change, in fact we know it really doesn't and hey who would want it to...but...the way we THINK about it CAN.

Going back to ESIP. Model we have two more letters there to investigate. That's the E and the S. These, when utilised as a focus, gives us the ability to think at a higher level where we can see and connect with greater and more satisfying results. 

The E is for Environment. So as a new parent what was the environment I wanted for my new baby?  The most critical would have been. Baby is clean, fed, comfortable and loved.  What is the environment you want for your new business? A place that takes great care of your clients.

Thinking at this level means that ANYTHING we do is working towards that as an end result. If after all the things you chose to do in a day maintains or even improved the environment you have a successful result that's worthy of acknowledgement. If not, then perhaps it's time to check in with what you're choosing to do that doesn't.  At the end of the day, is my baby clean, fed, comfortable and loved? Yes. Is the floor vacuumed...maybe not. Does it matter...not right now. Can I agree that I got great results with this level of thinking? Yes.

Wow. That's cool to type out and read and even cooler to think. Everything I do today works towards me living my dream, the dream of nurturing new life, new business, new days...Excellent!

Does that feel better already? 
Does that give your to-do list a higher purpose, one that could even be as high as living the dream? 

So how do you know what TO DO? Well that's the "S" in the ESIP Model. It's for Structure. It's a whole nother conversation that we'll have another day including setting goals - yes even as a parent - and recognising what the absolutely non negotiable things are that must be done for the best results. 

If you're a coach you've possibly heard it a thousand times... Start with the end in mind. If everything you're doing is working towards creating the environment of your dreams, what is the one thing you could choose to achieve today that will work towards creating it.

Now go do it! :) Enjoy and thanks for reading, would love for you to share your comments or questions below xx

If you would like to learn the ESIP model in greater detail you can do so HERE