Sunday, July 27, 2014

Valuing Taking Responsibility

What if you were to say right now “I am 100% responsible for my results” could you own that? 

If you were followed around every minute of everyday by a camera, what would you do differently? 

What could you have done differently today?

When we accept 100% responsibility for our results that means there is no room for excuses to blame influences external to ourselves.

(Lets not get technical and picky about extenuating circumstances either, fire, flood, hurricane, earth quake) I get it. 


But how you pick yourself up after it IS. How you rebuild IS. The choices you make ARE.

This is Value #4 for us at TCI and it’s a powerful one.  We all know that it’s the standard we hold ourselves to. 

If someone in our team did not get the results they were working towards in the week, we take responsibility for that too. 
  • What didn’t we do to ensure each team member was supported?
  • What could we have done better?
  • How can we support that team member to develop a communication system or accountability system?
  • What needs to be taught?
  • What do we need to learn?
In your work, business or even personal life, when you do not deliver a result what happens then? 
  • Do you point the finger at that person or thing that got in the way, or didn’t come through? 
  • Or do you reflect on what you could have done better. What your gap was. What you need to learn?
Success leaves clues. The successful strategy for outstanding results is to be able to take on more responsibility, to welcome accountability as a measure for results and to be able to assist others to achieve their results too. 

Are you aiming for a successful life? 

Are you working towards a successful world?

Like the quote in the pic above says “No single drop of water thinks it’s responsible for the flood” but you and I both know, everything we do or don’t do contributes to the whole. 

We are all in this together. 
We are all one. 

What results or non results are YOU contributing?

As always I would love to know you stopped by. Please like, share and/or comment if this has provided you with a provoking thought or inspired you to learn something new. Thank you for reading xx

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Life De Fined

It’s amazing how complicated we make answering the ultimate question “What is the meaning of life”.  Take everything away, clothes, houses, technology and imagine yourself as a naked being in amongst the trees, basking in the warmth of the sun, drinking from a river flowing through the valley.  What’s left? What meaning does your life hold now?

It’s really quite simple don’t you think? Isn’t the act of life extremely and blatantly obvious?  First and foremost don’t we simply just LIVE? We have life. We do this by the mere act of breathing and our hearts beating to the pulse of the universal flow of life energy?

So if you were asked...have you truly lived the answer could only be yes - could it not? So - so long as you are breathing and your heart is beating – you are alive! Let’s not complicate the act of LIVING now.

The statement “but have you REALLY lived?” is absurd and is the complication I speak of in the very first paragraph.  Living and having experiences within that life are two completely different things...get it right!

In an instant you have your complication right there. One minute you were in search of the simple answer then BOOM someone had to fill your head with questions that were completely irrelevant!!

Ok back to the point of living.

You’re -
Alive ü check
Breathing ücheck
Pulsating ü check

We have well established the simplicity of doesn’t take much, but if that’s all there was we would have died out a million years ago of sheer what else did life come with?

Enter LOVE *insert awwww here*

Love is an energy within us and you can describe it with all the nice fluffy words that you like but at the guts of it those fluffy descriptive words are a mere expression of your intellect. If you are breathing you are showing yourself love.  In contrast if you are holding your breath and starving yourself of oxygen in order to take your life away from yourself, then you are not showing yourself love.  It’s simple really.

Can you appreciate what I am doing here? It is not a mere trivialisation of life but a simplification in order to inspire humility. 

We get so caught up in worrying about our “life’s purpose” that we take for granted the gift of life in all of its simplicity.

You HAVE life. 

Creating a meaningful experience, an emotional experience, sharing with others, contributing to others...that's all the cool stuff we get to do BECAUSE we have LIFE and the sheer JOY of that, the LOVE we feel, is what inspires us to BE more meaningful in this life.

Thank you for sharing these precious moments of your life experience with me. I trust it has added something inspiring and positive for you to think about...

As always leave me a comment, like the post where I shared on my Facebook page, hey even share it on if you think it will be of interest to others xx

Live Your Dream!

Friday, July 18, 2014

Valuing Delivering WOW

There's a great quote by Maya Angelou that says "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." How true is this. When you think back to the people in your life what comes up for you? Even those you had negative experience with have left an impression haven't can feel the memories, and the fondest ones, I bet they feel the best.

In the business world we talk about leaving a legacy. Something that can contribute to the lives of others long after we've gone. Hands up who would love their legacy to begin with the statement... "Wow"... that would feel great huh, great for you and great for the one feeling compelled to utter the very word. 

For the sake of today's learning let's bring it right back to the now. If you are not already focusing on Delivering Wow or however that is translated for you then perhaps now is the perfect time. Which one of your values ensures that you are creating a positive experience that doesn't just feel good but makes your clients know that you are committed to giving them an exceptional service with impeccable care?

How does what you do deliver an emotional impact to the receiver? How are you making them feel and more importantly WHAT are you making them feel?  Are you utilising feedback systems to find out what your clients love, or not, about the service you deliver? 

Think back to the previous values blogs in this series (#1 & #2) one of the ways we deliver wow at TCI is by living the values. This includes letting Outstanding Results do the talking, being Passionate & Determined as well as the next 7 values blogs to come. When we consistently live and teach the values we strengthen the ability for the team to fulfil the companies vision & mission - Inspiring the Extraordinary - so each student may - Live their Dreams.

So I'll leave you with a few questions to ask yourself today:

- Who walked away from you today with an exceptional experience?
- Where did you deliver - Average - today and did you hold yourself accountable?
- How do you measure your ability to WOW?
- How are you teaching others to WOW and how are you holding them accountable?

Go forth and WOW :)

Thanks for reading... Please leave me a comment to let me know the value you got (or not) LOL trust you were WOWED and hey if I've inspired the extraordinary in you please share my blog with others and pay forward the inspiration xxx

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Valuing Passion & Determination

Value # 2 for the team at TCI is to “Be passionate and determined”

There is very rarely an opportunity for a straight out “NO” to be THE answer. Our thinking is “There is always a way and we will find a way”.

Think back for a moment to a time when you wanted something so badly that you stuck with it, no matter what, until you got it.

Perhaps it was learning something new, or maybe it was having the patience to wait, or it could have even been pushing through the pain to bring a task to completion. Whatever it is that you remember I want you to focus on the energy it took from you and the resources inside of you that you had to draw on to make it happen.

Powerful energy huh!

It’s the fire in the belly that we call PASSION and the powerful inner voice that we call DETERMINATION that made those moments possible.

To value this in a business setting means that we value what we bring so much so, that we use this passion and determination to deliver - what I mentioned in the last blog - Outstanding Results.  We want to be the best we can be and because of that we create a thriving company.

Could this be something that would be worthwhile for you to focus on as a value right now?

Do you have area’s of your business or even your personal, family, sporting or even hobbies, that are waiting around for you to learn how to be better so that they can improve, grow, succeed?

What will be the consequence of you NOT learning what you need to learn?
What would it take for you to get fired up about it right now? 
What would it take for you to want it badly right now?
If not now then when?

Go ahead and do that NOW.

As always I would love to know that you've stopped by ... and just for a laugh - yep I am PASSIONATE & DETERMINED to get awesome comments on my blog, that's how I know it's been valuable for you :) Thanks in advance and have an awesome day!