Sunday, April 26, 2015

It's up to YOU. Lead the way!

How you show up online counts. Just because people cannot see your face, doesn’t mean they can’t SEE you.

There is more written and photographic evidence of you, your history, your behaviour, your everything online, than if you had a store that people only met you briefly off the street in.

“Every time you post a photo, or update your status, you are contributing to your own digital footprint and personal brand.” A.Martin

So I'm wondering...

How are you showing up? 
Are you showing up to serve your community?
Are you there to give?
Are you there to take care of the big and the small?
What is the digital footprint you are creating for yourself?
Are you showing up as a leader?

It may not seem like it, or it may not have occurred to you but your own leadership development is essential to your businesses success online.

Great leadership means you openly respect and show gratitude for your online community.

Great leadership means you appreciate the little things are just as important as the big things, and you don’t wait around for someone else to take care of them YOU take care of them.

Great leadership means you can articulate what’s valuable to your online community and share it with them.

Great leadership means you know how to manage your language and tonality through the tough times as well as the fun times.

Great leadership also means you have standards that you show up with, are a shining example of, and are uncompromising about.

What standards do you have in place for:

- Answering questions
- Expressing gratitude
- Celebrating your communities successes
- Respecting peoples beliefs

You are the leader of your online community. You set the standard. You teach everyone else how to treat each other. 

It’s up to YOU. Lead the way!

If you hadn’t thought about your position as a leader online then I trust this blog has inspired you to take a moment to reflect on how you are showing up and the standards you have in place for yourself and your community.

If there's anything you would like me to blog about to assist you in your online business developments then please leave me a message in the comments below.

If you find my blogs valuable hit the share button and help me reach more people.

With gratitude

Teash xx

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